Wednesday, July 15, 2009



1 comment:

  1. Hi Betty

    I've read through a number of your interesting articles so don't want to reference them all. I would like to tell you I am a christian and used to support a ministry years back called Mission To Children, perhaps you heard of it. J.D. Carlson ran it and it was in CA. Now, he was originally from the Midwest and had relatives here in MN so would come to visit once a year. He called us one time when he was in town to thank us for supporting the ministry. He was a very humble man. He told me on the phone that he had a vision the Lord gave him about a terrible earthquake running up the MS river than would cause terrible upheavel and destruction in the MPLS/St Paul area. I listened in fascination for some time earlier I had a dream, perhaps a vision in a dream you might say, in which I saw this terrible earthquake come straight up the Mississippi shaking the entire Twin Cities area. I saw massive flooding that overran the Twin Cities and flooded it, buildings damaged and destroyed, fires everywhere in the city from the unheavel and the roads in awful shape. 35W was utterly gone, having been so damaged it was impassable. We were forced to go up the flooded river by boat in order to rejoin with relatives in the northern half of MN. It was a terrible dream because I had to leave my husband behind and go up by myself.

    We live in a Twin Cities suburb. Only a few years ago I was standing in my backyard and felt a significant rumbling beneath my feet. Now I had lived in S. CA long enough to know what that feels like. This was a tremblor. It only went on a few seconds but it took me by surprise. I told my husband and he said maybe it was gas lines under the ground but where I was standing were NO LINES of any type. [dream from the 1980's]


