Wednesday, July 15, 2009



` Prophecy Flood Mid-continent Rift System `, By Betty C. Clark

Yesterday (July 14th, 2009), I started evaluations from my research
files previous in 1995. Which were about Pipestone, Minnesota,
and some type of excessive rain water descriptive `warning`. ( review the
`Pipestone` blog, for full details )

At 09:52 a.m., I posted at the forum called :

. . . a topic I titled, " . . . Northern Minnesota And Canada
By Glaciers . . ., Biblical flooding . . . ~the future prophecy for earth~ "

These reviews of the message by Holy Spirit I was given
August 13th, 1995, helped to unlock my new discovery of
a term called, ' The Midcontinent Rift System '.

Since I am a laymen researcher and not a geological expert,
I have depended upon whatever the Holy Spirit pointed my nose
at. These are the confirmations, I am sharing . . . .

This rift system's geography is related to the flooding prophecy
in the Book of Revelations ( The Dragon Casts a Flood after the Woman: Revelation 12:13-17 (KJV)

It is my sincere belief that since 1995, my intuitive drawing of a map of Pipestone, Minnesota, with special notes of Iowa and Missouri, relate
to why the message included, the missing geography of Mexico :

(August 13th, 1995, message)

Thom Samuel Jones advance to the Border area where is Mexico my Scurry one . . .

I would like the reader to take a moment to review the following
wikipedia excerpt, about the geography areas called, ` The
Midcontinent Rift System ` :

Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas

These areas will repeat the same parallel tear in the continent that allowed lava ( pre-historic era ) to reach the surface of the earth and accumulate
in the rift valley as basalt. Which will result in a future Biblical style flooding
in this rift/tear section.

This fault line of demarcation is in the center of the North American
continent. After my message about both the Michigan and Wisconsin area
Monday, February 9th, 2009, called, `Michigan's White Garden
With Moose` . . . I started seeing a geography link to the former
Minnesota and Iowa map message from 1995.

(February 9th, 2009, message)

After the reader reviews the following wikipedia geography excerpt,
you may still be interested in the research I have gathered to support the
conjecture called, ` Prophecy Flood Mid-continent Rift System ` ?


Betty C. Clark

The Midcontinent Rift System (MRS) or Keweenawan Rift is a 2,000 km (1,243 mi) long geological rift in the center of the North American continent and south-central part of the North American plate. It formed when the continent's core, the North American craton, began to split apart during the Mesoproterozoic era of the Precambrian, about 1.1 billion years ago. The rift failed, leaving behind thick layers of rock that are exposed in its northern reaches, but buried beneath later sedimentary formations along most of its western and eastern arms.

Those arms meet at Lake Superior, which is contained within the rift valley. The lake's north shore (illustration) in Ontario and Minnesota defines the northern arc of the rift. From the lake, the rift's eastern arm trends south to central lower Michigan. The western arm runs from Lake Superior southwest through portions of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska to northeastern Kansas.[1]


(re) Earthquake/flooding (re) MPLS/St Paul, MN/Mississippi River

[link to read SongBird's dream]

carrodar said...
Hi Betty

I've read through a number of your interesting articles so don't want to reference them all. I would like to tell you I am a christian and used to support a ministry years back called Mission To Children, perhaps you heard of it. J.D. Carlson ran it and it was in CA. Now, he was originally from the Midwest and had relatives here in MN so would come to visit once a year. He called us one time when he was in town to thank us for supporting the ministry. He was a very humble man. He told me on the phone that he had a vision the Lord gave him about a terrible earthquake running up the MS river than would cause terrible upheavel and destruction in the MPLS/St Paul area. I listened in fascination for some time earlier I had a dream, perhaps a vision in a dream you might say, in which I saw this terrible earthquake come straight up the Mississippi shaking the entire Twin Cities area. I saw massive flooding that overran the Twin Cities and flooded it, buildings damaged and destroyed, fires everywhere in the city from the unheavel and the roads in awful shape. 35W was utterly gone, having been so damaged it was impassable. We were forced to go up the flooded river by boat in order to rejoin with relatives in the northern half of MN. It was a terrible dream because I had to leave my husband behind and go up by myself.

We live in a Twin Cities suburb. Only a few years ago I was standing in my backyard and felt a significant rumbling beneath my feet. Now I had lived in S. CA long enough to know what that feels like. This was a tremblor. It only went on a few seconds but it took me by surprise. I told my husband and he said maybe it was gas lines under the ground but where I was standing were NO LINES of any type. [dream from the 1980's] February 26, 2010 5:27 PM

Dear Songbird :

(re) Earthquake/flooding (re) MPLS/St Paul, MN/Mississippi River
The message of August 13th, 1995, about Pipestone, MN . . .

PIPESTONE Midcontinent Rift System
~GREAT GLOBAL RIFT~ Oceans of World hold key

The map I drew from the waking vision (August 13, 1995), was based
on the Pipestone, Minnesota area. I drew a pathway of the water pouring
down through the State of Minnesota (Pipestone, being a key geography
point), raining into the State of Iowa and Missouri, with the following research
facts I've located, based upon the details I wrote on the map. The map reveals
the rift system, fault lines, that are part of the Mid-Continent Rift System. And
specific areas will be flooded with these excessive rains and flooding's, which
clearly are denoted on the original map diagram : ( see item 1 - 8 ) . . .

(item 1)
The Great Pipestone Quarries of Minnesota have been a special place
or sacred site for American Indian Tribal people for over 1,000 years. Many
nations of people came to these quarries; including the Sac-Fox, Otto,
Mandan, Kiowa, Hidatsa, Dakota, Lakota, Cheyenne and Ojibwa as well
as many other Native American tribes.

(item 2)
The Rock Island Railroad Depot, built in 1890, is Pipestone's only remaining
depot. In Pipestone's heyday, there were four rail lines going into the city.

(item 3)
Pipestone reservation, called " Upper Sioux Community ".

(item 4)
The Chippewa National Forest.

(item 5)
The fishing area of Northern Iowa River Greenbelt.

(item 6)
The State of Missouri.

(item 7)
The border area of `Mexico, Missouri` is missing, rain coming downward from Iowa.

(item 8)

(map diagram below, to illustrate, rain/flooding
coming downward from `Pipestone, Minnesota`,
into `Northern Iowa River Greenbelt` and downward
into `Mexico, Missouri`) :

By July 14th, 2009, after several messages related to the Great Lakes
Area, and the specific State of Michigan, I was enlightened by the
Holy Spirit, about all these continuances of geography details, related to :

` The Mid-Continent Rift System ` :

Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas

So the excessive rain/flooding zones, have been a cyclic parallel for me to get the message right, and to understand from G-d, how all these visions, dreams and messages are revealing aspects of the Great World Earthquake, related to the fault line shifting's of the rift systems, in Biblical prophecy terms.

My journey from August 13, 1995 (Pipestone Map), until July 14, 2009 (Mid-Continent Rift System Map) . . . is almost a 14 year span of learning, listening and holding to faith, that one day all these things would become a complete picture of understanding. And it has . . . Praise His Holy Name (IHVH) :

From and including: Sunday, August 13, 1995
To and including: Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It is 5085 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 13 years, 11 months, 2 days including the end date

Alternative time units
5085 days can be converted to one of these units:
439,344,000 seconds
7,322,400 minutes
122,040 hours
726 weeks (rounded down)

From: Commentary to SONGBIRD
Sent: 2/26/2010 10:51:11 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: (re) Earthquake/flooding (re) MPLS/St Paul, MN/Mississippi River

Betty, please feel free to pass along the email to your friend in MN or anything else that you think would be helpful.

Sent: 2/25/2010 5:32:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: (re) Earthquake/flooding (re) MPLS/St Paul, MN/Mississippi River

Yes, thank you, Betty. It seems like the Spirit is sending a consistent message to the faithful everywhere. Time's getting close, Betty. I hope your correspondant has her 72-hour bag packed and other supplies as the Spirit directs her. We are sent these dreams for a reason. First they confirm the power of G-d in our universe, and secondly they provide information needed by the faithful to prepare. Please tell her that others have had this dream and she needs to prepare ... including physical preparation as well as spiritual. She needs a quality first aid kit, stored water, MRE or MountainHouse freeze dried foods, a backpack, sleeping bag, etc. Tell her she'll be in my prayers.

Sent: 2/26/2010 9:27:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: (re) Earthquake/flooding (re) MPLS/St Paul, MN/Mississippi River

Dear Betty,

My little voice kept nagging, so I went back and reviewed our previous discussion on this whole topic, including a graphic (or two?) I think I sent you. ______ was the source of the original data, if you remember. As we have discussed before, from the Great Lakes Region south to the Gulf will not be a safe place to live, maybe several hundred miles east and west of the Mississippi River as the Great Lakes themselves empty down the Mississippi Valley.

Some prophecies of this flooding have been published publicly (LDS prophecies of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are the ones I am most familiar with). The end result will be nothing left in parts of Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, etc. ... No buildings, no animals, no trees, no people ... not even much debris. ____ has seen this as well.

In addition to my encouragement to get her "stuff" together (72 hour pack, etc), I now encourage your correspondant to pray for guidance regarding when to evacuate the area entirely and where to go. Based on her dream, she expects to be where she is for the great earthquake that hits the Mississippi Valley, and she journeys upriver by boat afterwards. The flood follows, but I don't think anyone knows the exact timing. Surely Father has sent her this vision as a warning. She should pray for additional personal guidance in these matters. She needs to know how Father wants her to respond.

We should all pray for additional personal guidance in these matters. We all need to know how Father wants us to respond.

in Christ's love ...

PIPESTONE Midcontinent Rift System


PIPESTONE Midcontinent Rift System




A large boulder of dark-colored greenstone sitting on the floodplain of the Chippewa River near Montevideo was long recognized as out of place in an area of pink granite-gneiss bedrock. Residents referred to it as the Montevideo Meteorite. Other boulders of out-of-place rocks in Minnesota were given special attention and honor by native Americans, such as the Three Maidens in Pipestone National Monument (a granite in an area of Sioux Quartzite bedrock) and the Red Rock in the village of Red Rock (a granite from the St. Cloud in an area of sedimentary bedrock). We now know, of course, that these boulders were carried south from their sources in northern Minnesota and Canada by glaciers and were stranded at the surface when the glaciers retreated. Such out-of-place boulders are called erratics and are an important piece of evidence showing that Minnesota was at one time glaciated.


Contrary to common belief, the Sioux warrior holding the red Catlinite pipe in George Catlin's paintings did not always live in the Great Plains. History records the Sioux as originally being woodland Indians of the lower Mississippi and Ohio Valleys. Disruptions around the 1600's moved them north into lower Minnesota where they discovered the quarries of red pipestone, later called Catlinite, after the artist George Catlin.

The red clay was immediately proclaimed sacred by the Sioux and from then on, it was used exclusively in making the sacred pipe. Furthermore, the quarries were open to pipe makers of all nations without quarrel.

A legend surfaced to account for this special pipestone being the color red. A troublesome Lakota spirit named Untehi became angry and caused a great flood. It overran all the people carrying them in its wake and dumping them into the great pipestone quarries. The swirling waters crushed the people until their blood turned the water, and the pipestone red.







The North American continent includes a Midcontinent Rift. This 1200-mile arc-shaped rift extends from Detroit, up through the middle of the Lower Peninsula, across Lake Superior, then down along the Minnesota/Wisconsin border, and across Iowa to eastern Nebraska. This tear in the continent allowed lava to reach the surface of the earth and accumulate in the rift valley as basalt rock 1.1 billion years ago.

A large basalt lava flow flooded this rift valley, bringing what would one day become the Penokee/Gogebic range to the Earth’s surface, 1.1 billion years ago. (That is a very long time ago. What is now Wisconsin and Michigan was located near the equator or even southern hemisphere at the time, on a continent much different from today. This is a time before land plants, fish, or most animal fossils. The above-ground world was in a transition to an oxygenated atmosphere.)








Genesis 2:8-14, a swampy type of river hydrography is alluded to. Four major rivers met at the Garden of Eden. The type of hydrography here described suggests a similarity to the lake country of northern Minnesota and Manitoba, where water is in great abundance and swamps are numerous, but where there is so little gradient that the flow of water is very sluggish.


Luke 21:34-36 (NIV) - "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. (35) For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth. (36) Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand.

The Dragon Casts a Flood after the Woman: Revelation 12:13-17 (KJV)

Revelation 12:13-17 The Persecution of Israel during the last 1/2 of the 7-year Tribulation Period is shortened by the remnant of Israel fleeing to Petra: 13 And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the Earth, he persecuted the Woman (Israel) which brought forth the Man Child. 14 And to the Woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness (Petra), into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, (1,260 days) from the face of the Serpent. 15 And the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the Woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. 16 And the Earth helped the Woman, and the Earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the Dragon was wroth with the Woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.




The message from August 13th, 1995 :

( a child like map of the left hand corner, of the State of Minnesota, where
Pipestone, MN sets )
Pipestone map, interstate 30

A water way diagram with the word 'water', a circle with the word 'bld.' (building), rain drops falling on the map with the word 'rain', the State Iowa (arrow downward pointing) and State Missouri listed, outside the map, the sentence "Road thee leaves to Upper area or room" . . .

The text reads :

. . . carry the bucket to the station to catch the days fish and undertaking
of the forest and harvest time. Thom Samuel Jones advance to the
Border area where is Mexico my Scurry one
I know not the papmous cloth & do thou tear down the arch & buried
stone of Blood & Coal, Burnt with incense & ash.

The facts, of my message :

* Pipestone, MN tourism confirmed the `arch` is the central entrance
into the quarry for tourism visit's. And indeed ceremonial area of coal, burnt with incense & ash, is after the entrance through this arch.

* The `station`, is called ' The Rock Island Railroad Depot ', built in 1890
( this is why I wrote: bld. (building), Pipestone's only remaining depot ).

* The `catch the days fish', is ' Northern Iowa River Greenbelt ' ( this
is why I wrote `Iowa`, on the map ).

* The `Forest`, is the Chippewa National Forest

* The term 'Upper', represents the Pipestone reservation, called
" Upper Sioux Community "

* the term ' burried stone of blood ' represents the pipestone, is called blood stone, and many more terms due to its red coloring

The following dream about Minnesota, was added March 4, 2010

SONGBIRD DREAM: "Tornadoes of fire" (re) S. Twin Cities called Elko,Minnesota

(quote from songbird)

I felt The Lord telling me that, “In the end days, those who will not give the glory to

God will suffer all the plagues of Egypt, multiplied.”

(research about `tornadoes of fire` in the history of the

neighboring States to Minnesota, Wisconsin and


Oct 8, 1871

Prolonged drought and dessicating winds led to the great Chicago

fire, the Peshtigo horror, and the Michigan fire holocaust. Fire

destroyed more than seventeen thousand buildings killing more

than 200 persons in the city of Chicago, while a fire consumed

the town of Peshtigo WI killing more than 1100 persons. In

Wisconsin, a million acres of land were burned, and in Michigan,

2.5 million acres were burned killing 200 persons. "Tornadoes of

fire" generated by intense heat caused houses to explode in fire,

and burned to death scores of persons seeking refuge in open



SONGBIRD DREAM: "Tornadoes of fire" (re) S. Twin Cities called Elko,Minnesota


This is a dream I had in a series of prophetic dreams that occurred over a couple year period. I didn’t understand this one until I actually saw on TV news a tornado described exactly like this that occurred in WI(Wisconsin) that exploded in fire. I think it was a summer or two ago. It was reported on the news and they said they had never seen anything like it.


I woke up around 3:30 AM and could not get back to sleep so I told the Lord if He wanted me to sleep He could take care of it. I fell right to sleep and had the most incredibly vivid dream. The whole family was going on another cruise together (we actually did go on a family cruise in 2000.) This time on the ship we had to stop and be personally escorted to the attractions. In this case, we went by boat and although I expected a snake in the boat there was none. Then we went by land or car for part of it and I had TWO ship escorts (crew members) attending me.

The place we visited looked exactly like a tiny rural town here in the S. Twin Cities called Elko with an old church, gas station and a few buildings with corn fields around. On our way we noticed a terrible storm brewing and in fact, it was forming the legs of a tornado – multiple tornadoes. They were much too close and I pointed at them and warned the people. The driver said they were hurrying as fast as they could but MUST get through that area. We evidently could NOT go back, forward was the only direction.

Then I saw the leg come down and as it did, it exploded in fire bursting the field around it into flames. Fear gripped everyone and I put my hand up to the tornado and told it to be averted in Jesus name. It suddenly stopped and turned and went away from us. A short distance later it appeared we were being surrounded by these spawned tornadoes bursting into flames all around. I commanded another in front of us to be averted in Jesus name just as the first and it departed, too. But I could see we needed to get out of the vehicle and take shelter. So we did and ran for a farm nearby. The only building that seemed likely was a stone outbuilding with a dog kennel attached to it. We went in and I told the young man and young lady crew members exactly where to lay and be safe and I watched from inside the doorway.

Suddenly the building was rocking, shuddering and groaning and even the ground trembled. The air was whooshing inside the building but after a time it all became still again. We went outside to see. The two dogs were killed and the small town buildings even the church, was exploded into flames. IT was all more vivid than 3D or Technicolor. As we walked away from the buildings, I said to the young man, “Wasn’t it wonderful the way God averted the tornadoes and protected us?” Much to my shock, the young man laughed and said he never saw anything that indicated God was involved. He was a mocker and unbeliever. I confronted him and grabbed his face by the chin and said, “You MUST give God the glory for what He has done. You MUST admit He protected us or else you will SURELY die in your sin.” I was so determined yet afraid for him. He scoffed again and instantly he fell to the ground a babbling idiot. His mind was gone and all reason had left him.

Then I said to the girl as I caught up to her (I was even more afraid now) ‘It was wonderful the way God averted the tornadoes and saved us.” She did not mock but she denied it and said she saw no such thing. I told her, “Both of you saw me raise my hand to the storm and command it to be averted in Jesus name. You saw it; you were there and now you MUST give God the glory and admit what you SAW!” She said she did not believe in any such things and I strove with her to confess what actually happened but it was as if, she, too, was blind to the work of God. I urged her strongly to admit it but she would not and she, too, fell to the ground as if dead. Her eyes went funny and she also became a babbling idiot.

I had tried to tell her that if she did not give God the glory she would end up like that young man, she saw him, too and thought he was just in a state of shock from these events. I woke up from this dream with dread and grief in my heart. I felt The Lord telling me that, “In the end days, those who will not give the glory to God will suffer all the plagues of Egypt, multiplied.” God intends to show a big difference between His own and the world in days to come. Woe to those who choose to be deaf, blind and dumb because of the love of this world, its foolishness and the spawned lies of satan!




Leschak says all the ingredients of a major disaster came together on Oct. 8, 1871.

Illustration from Harper's Weekly magazine

A tornado of flame

"A huge cyclonic low system -- a cold front -- came sweeping in from the western part of the country," Leschak says.

The difference in temperature on each side of the cold front was probably 40 degrees. That set up furious winds that fanned prairie fires all over the region. Fires were burning all over, from Chicago north to Michigan, and as far west as Minnesota.

"And basically at one point or another, several small fires join into one huge fire," says Leschak. "It becomes more or less stationary over Peshtigo, and why there I'm not sure. Perhaps, with all the buildings -- any building is just another fuel arrangement -- so you had a very tightly arranged fuel in the town itself."

The blazes developed into a firestorm. The heat generated by the burning trees and buildings caused a column of hot air to rise over the town. Cold air rushing in to take its place fanned the flames. That caused more hot air to rise.

The shaded areas indicate the extent of the fire

The town was at the center of a tornado of flame. The fire was coming from all directions at once, and the winds were roaring at 100 mph.

Some people in Peshtigo managed to struggle to the river. A Catholic priest arrived at the river and found people standing on the banks. He pushed one of them into the water, and the rest followed. They stood in the water for hours. Some of them survived.

Leschak says at the center of the fire, the vortex of wind sucked the smoke up into the sky, so the air was clear and bright with flame. He says the people in the river experienced "something that very few people have ever witnessed, and lived to tell the tale. They're at the center of this hurricane of flame. Small wonder their hair was bursting into flame if they didn't keep ducking their heads into the water. And to have survived that is just amazing, just amazing," Leschak says.

Most people weren't so lucky. Karl Lamp and his wife were German immigrants who were trying to build a farm. Denise Gess says when she was researching her book, she came to think of this couple as representing the fortitude of immigrant settlers, and the heartbreak they faced.

"This man saved up all of his money to have his 40 acres," Gess says. "He finally gets them cleared. She's working at the Peshtigo Woodenware factory and he's out there clearing stumps. She was pregnant with their fourth child when the fire struck."

The whole family escaped from the house and got in their wagon.

The state historical marker, erected in 1951 :

"And they thought they could run for it, but you can't run from a fire that's moving that quickly," says Gess. "The wagon wheel fell off and he saw the family was still safe. Then the horse went up in flames. He turned around for a second and turned back, and there was his whole family, in flames."

Leschak says the ambient air temperature was probably between 500 and 700 degrees.

"Which means that they weren't going to live very long anyway," says Leschak. "If your clothes are bursting into flame, you are also doing extreme damage to your respiratory tract. I think there was a lot of intense pain that went on. And I think that's why, for example, there's the account of the one man who slit the throats of all his children to spare them this death by fire."

The fire went out when it had burned up everything in Peshtigo. The survivors rebuilt the town, but it wasn't a booming mill town anymore. The trees were gone.






A friend of mine sent me this suggestion.

And she was right . . . .

Of course, SSG has been advised by the Holy Spirit many times.

Thank you, dear friend !

Sent: 7/14/2009 10:44:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: the Pipestone is a sign of the flooding . . .GLACIAL LAKE

You need to be checking out KANSAS…something is going on there and I don’t know what but Kansas is being crammed down my throat…

Kansas pipestone

A fine-grained reddish stone very similar to catlinite that can be found as cobbles and pebbles in the glacial drift of northeastern Kansas and adjacent states (SS12). It differs from catlinite in containing more quartz and hence in being harder to work. Kansas pipestone was being used to manufacture stone pipes in this region long before catlinite began to show up.







From the dawn of time, Iowa has found itself underwater. Fossils and sediments found in rock outcrops and river bluffs tell the story of much of ancient Iowa’s underwater past. Pioneer diaries often tell about the dangers of crossing swollen rivers. Levees, locks and dams along and across major rivers point to recent floods.

The Mississippi River drains water from 41 percent of the continental United States down to the Gulf of Mexico. Heavy rains throughout the Mississippi River basin in the fall of 1926 and spring of 1927 caused one of the worst floods on record.

In the spring of 1927, the Mississippi River from southern Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico spilled out of its banks. The flood waters covered 27,000 square miles for over two months. Nearly 250 people died in the flood. More than 700,000 people had to leave their homes and work.

After this huge flood the federal government decided to do something to help reduce the damage done by floods along the Mississippi River. The government built floodwalls and levees and made other changes to keep the waters from overflowing.

These changes have helped to control the floodwaters during most storms. But the storms of 1993 dumped more than double the normal amount of rainfall in the Upper Midwest. Nothing could hold back the waters. For the first time on record, both the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers flooded at the same time. Over 16,000 square miles in nine states were covered with water. Many river front towns were underwater.

Des Moines was the largest city in the Upper Midwest to lose its municipal water supply. The city water plant was engulfed in floodwaters on July 11, 1993 leaving 350,000 people without water. The water works was nonfunctioning for 19 days. Bottling companies bottled water for drinking (unusual for that time) and water was brought in by the Iowa National Guard. Shower centers were set up in neighborhoods.

Forty-seven people died. About 74,000 people had to leave their homes. Despite these hardships there was no panic or major incidents.





Michigan's White Garden with Moose

This true story starts with an email I forwarded, Monday, February 9th, 2009, 4:35 a.m., to selected people in my address book. The theme of this email
was regarding animals across America being born white in pigmentation
color. The spiritual meaning of this email was to share the sign of America's
white assortment of animals, being born. Review this web link, to watch
a special video called, 'Return of White' :

This sign of the white animals is related to the theme, 'Our Creator is
Creating His New Garden' . . .

The email of 2-9-2009, was titled, 'Miracle White Buffalo born 1994, my message 1995 Pipestone'. I decided to send this email as a memorial
concerning my message August 13th, 1995, of Pipestone, Minnesota. This
message was related to the red blood rock (pipestone) and the white
buffalo prophecy of the Hopi. A white buffalo calf was born in 1994. This
birth was a `sentinel` regarding the last leg of the buffalo, as a symbolic
last dispensation, of the end times and/or final ages of earth as we know it.

Research :

()Pipestone Amerindians from Israel
()Seven Fires Ojibwa Wormwood Revelation
()Menorah Michigan Petroglyphs
()Symbolic Pipestone Meaning
()Is`Thomas clan`, related to: Thom Samuel Jones ?

3/9/2009 5:51:43 P.M.

I received an email from a Mr. King in California. Mr. King was sharing
a set of photographs about 2 albino moose. I neglected to read the caption
details of this email, which would have included the location of these
photographs taken.


. . . 14 days after Mr. King emailed the 2 albino moose photographs, I
experienced the following set of spiritual messages . . .

Page 2

The night ( after 08:00 p.m. ), of March 23rd, 2009

I received a spiritual message about a man who had recently moved
from MICHIGAN. Mr. Helps is a Christian husband and father, seeking
enlightenment from his Biblical interest. I shared a paper with Mr. Helps,
which described the miles he had given me, between MICHIGAN and
Georgia, as 713.23. The 713.23 miles were a code about Biblical
chapters and verses. The message I was given for Mr. Helps was based
on the books : Joshua, Jeremiah, Judges : [ 7th chapter, 13th-23rd verses ]
of each book. And Joshua 7:20, reflected the hidden 'silver', which is the
main theme related to the Joash Bethel Stone of Benjamin's, silver cup.



Mr. Helps and I departed.

Two days later, . . .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:55 AM

. . . I was given another spiritual message related to the 13 original colonies in America.
I saw a vision of the medical da Vinci man, with out stretched arms and legs being
presented, with the man laying on a map of America. I was shown the feet of this man
placed toward New York, the east, the placement of the 13 original colonies are all
east geography. The da Vinci man's head was placed facing up at California, the west.
It was required of me to understand burial placement of a Christian's head placed in
the west, so they rise at Judgment to meet Messiah in the Eastern sky.

The map of America represented a grave, with the da Vinci man's anatomy of body part's representing geographic locations of the State's, in America.

I knew upon completing this vision about the 13 original colonies of America, that
`MICHIGAN` was the da Vinci man's left thigh. The thigh symbolic wise caught my attention.

Then I reviewed my dream of the Severed Dragon, about the application of the anatomy
of the thigh being the femur, an encoded message about our government's organization
called, FEMA [ Federal Emergency Management Agency ].

Monday, March 9th, 2009
DREAM:Severed female body parts (dragon)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:55 AM
I emailed the 13 original colonies of America vision, to selected people.

This can be viewed at the new blog dated : March 31, 2009 :

Click here: Michigan's White Garden with Moose

Page 3

3/25/2009 1:04:01 P.M.

. . . a lady named Mrs. Signal, from California, emailed her commentary
about the 13 original colonies of America, that I had sent :

From: Mrs. Signal
Sent: 3/25/2009 1:04:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: : Human anatomy : 13 American Colonies `Feet` Beginnings

Well, sister, I know that this is off topic so to speak
but it is in the you.

MICHIGAN just came to mind?


Within the hour, . . . from Mrs. Signal's mention of MICHIGAN,
Mr. King re-sends the 2 albino Moose photograph's, from
March 9th, 2009, email.

From: Mr. King
Sent: 3/25/2009 1:59:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Albino Moose

Some more white critter creature pictures for you and your native American source.
I don't know the original source for these (e.g., Minnesota or MICHIGAN, ...)

I finally read the caption on Mr. King's photograph's of
the 2 albino moose and discovered that the 2 albino
moose were photographed in MICHIGAN.

So I start thinking at this point, how odd for Mr. King
14 days later, to re-send the same 2 albino moose
photographs today, March 25th, 2009 ?

I reflect upon, 2 days previous, on 3-23-09, the MICHIGAN
miles to Georgia message for Mr. Helps. It seemed some
type of spiritual chain of events were unfolding, between
people who do not know one another. They all know me,
not each other.

From: Mr. King
Sent: 3/25/2009 1:59:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Albino Moose

Not one, but two ! Truly amazing ! These animals were photographed just north of the Wisconsin border on a highway near Marenisco , MI . [MICHIGAN]

Once in awhile there is an opportunity to take in a piece of nature that you may never see. In these days of unrest and turmoil it is great to see that Mother Nature can still produce some wondrous beauty.

Page 4

From: Mr. King
Sent: 3/25/2009 1:59:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Albino Moose

The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical and to see this in the upper peninsula of MICHIGAN, near Wisconsin, is even greater than astronomical. To see two of them together is nearly impossible.

We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again.

RESEARCH : [ web link, to view 2 albino moose photographs which
have the above descriptions contained, within Mr. King's emails ]


Next, I emailed a researcher regarding FEMA/femur/thigh, being a
symbolic reference to MICHIGAN. Mrs. Ingrity reminded me about
her dream, regarding these items :

() the bear

() the number 94

() the name : William Paterson

And Mrs. Ingrity, asked me if the 94 could be related to Sawyer Air Force Base [AFB], in MICHIGAN ?

Previous, I had forwarded to Mrs. Ingrity information about this
closed AFB.

And upon researching the 94, highway 94 is associated with
this closed AFB :

M-94 is a state trunkline in the Upper Peninsula of the U.S. state of Michigan It runs for 89.156 miles (143.483 km) from K. I. Sawyer to Manistique. The highway is part of the Lake Superior Circle Tour during a concurrency with M-28. M-94 crosses the Siphon Bridge in Manistique, unique for the fact that the bridge roadway is below water level.

M-94 has been realigned several times. It has had its own roadway between the M-28 junctions in Munising and Shingleton. Other changes have flip-flopped M-94 with M-28 between Harvey and Munising and extended it across the former K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base.

The bear, is related to the official state animal, the California grizzly bear.
Both Mr. King and Mrs. Signal, are connected to California. They
do not know each other, although they participated one hour apart,
in pointing my nose toward MICHIGAN.

And the da Vinic man's anatomy of the `head` in the vision of the 13 original colonies, was in California (west).

In Hebrew, the head means Resh/Rosh, the bear.

Mrs. Ingrity's ending of her dream, included the name William
Paterson. This is how the archetypal application of `Paterson`,
may be related to 2009, as a parallel to FEMA Camps, associated
with closed military bases, appointed on stand by, in case of
Marshal Law :

Subject: Paterson, indeed parallels THE internment/FEMA CAMPS/COFFINS
To: Mrs. Ingrity
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 9:55 AM

So, if Paterson is the ending of the dream, [7-30-2008], of the highway
94, east-west connection of MICHIGAN closed AFB, Sawyer.

And if the militia sent out by the President Washington, ended
in Paterson extolled the primacy of law over governments, does
that mean the same will happen in 2009-2010 ?

From: Mrs. Ingrity
Sent: 3/26/2009 9:42:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Confirming you had clue `Michigan` since the dream 7-30-2008/topic `94`

He resigned the governorship to become an associate justice of the Supreme Court (1793-1806). There he presided over the trials of individuals indicted for treason in the Whiskey Rebellion, a revolt by farmers in western Pennsylvania over the federal excise tax on whiskey, the principal product of their cash crop. Militia sent out by President Washington successfully quelled the uprising, and for the first time the courts had to interpret the provisions of the Constitution in regard to the use of troops in civil disturbances. Here, and in fact throughout his long career, Paterson extolled the primacy of law over governments, a principle embodied in the Constitution he helped write.

Page 5


In conclusion, the sighting of the 2 albino moose at this thigh/femur/FEMA
location in MICHIGAN, represents a type of a white buffalo calf sign. The
highway 94, related to the dream of Mrs. Ingrity's, may be a parallel to
the birth of the white buffalo calf, in 1994. The 2 albino moose were
photographed in 2006.

When God [IHVH], puts something in your heart, about your community,
He will confirm it with 2-3 witnesses. Indeed, MICHIGAN is being
confirmed with four witnesses. The vision of the severed map of America,
requires Christians to join together in prayer, regardless if these
Christians are strangers to one another. The following research links
will provide additional information about the severing of America.

As you discern from the title of this story, 'Michigan's White Garden
with Moose', is a sign of a renewal promised.

And this renewal will one day delete war, economic crisis, hunger
and strife removed, from the Creator's New Garden. In between time,
let us not keep our `head`, in the sand.

Revelation 21:1

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.






Cosmologically analogies are drawn between the north polar constellation
Draco and one or the other of the great floods, and the word dragon is
sometimes used to denote such a FLOOD; for the position of this
constellation relative to that of the earth's axis of rotation is intimately
connected with cataclysms.

It is my belief that the astronomy code of FLOODING is within the understanding

of the term Alpha Draconis :

The south node (Sagittarius) is the Alpha Draconis, Thuban) . . .

Review the Saros Eclipse June 15th, 2011, data @

In conclusion :

June 15th, 2011, holds the key to the Alpha Draconis, 'Thuban',
pointing our noses at the south node ( Thuban lies well down
the dragon's tail ) . . .

This is pointing our noses at the EZEKIEL 4 living creatures :

Sagittarius,in the oldest pictures of the zodiac is a cherubim. This symbol is situated 1/3 rd of the way around the zodiacal circle. It had the body of both lion and bull with wings of an eagle and the head of a woman. Sagittarius is the symbol of the incarnation, both God and man, animals representing the four corners of the heavens and symbolizing the aspects of God's redemptive work on this earth, he is poised with his arrow drawn and pointed at the heart of the scorpion. Underneath him is the southern cross.

Sent: 7/15/2009 12:08:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Alpha Draconis brings flooding, to the woman in Revelation

Alpha Draconis is the brightest star in the constellation, Draco (the dragon). The other name for this star (star system?) is Thuban, the Arabic name for the constellation. Thuban lies well down the dragon's tail, at about the same elevation as Ursa Minor, the Little dipper, roughly 55 degrees up from the horizon at midnight local time to the north-northwest.

The lunar eclipse won't be visible from north America if I read the chart correctly at It should be a great looking eclipse from the Holy Land, though. As seen from Jerusalem, in the middle of the eclipse, Thuban will be in the north-northwet sky, just to the left of the Little Dipper about 52-53 degrees above the horizon.



TITLE : Severed female body parts (dragon)

Last night, after I posted ( Post #457, see below ) I had a dream.
This dream cannot be fully understood without reading first, these
simple two sentences (excerpt) about the dragon :

11:21 PM, Monday, March 9th, 2009
POST #457

I guess I will continue slaying dragon's and cleaning the dung from the cages.

Disposal of the dragon body, is not my job. (ha)

In the dream, I saw a dark hair woman thirty-ish.

Many friends and family were waiting for me to complete
something so we could leave and go to a gathering ( function ).

And then the `completing` something, turned out to be the
requirement of this dark haired woman, to be severed.

When her body parts were laid on the cardboard box panels on the ground, they looked like the above dragon/serpent creature, except
medium skin tone, `not green` colored as the above photo of the dragon is green. ( the box was not square, only panels )

The texture of her skin, began to resemble the texture of the
dragon/serpent. However, with human flesh appearance.

And as I continued to view the severed body parts, they became
less and less human looking.

Finally, I covered the parts with the cardboard box panels. And the
parts started to shrink within the box panels.

I lifted the contents, now reduced in size, easy to transport . . .

. . . some clear `slim` liquid was left on the floor.

A person in the group stepped in it, I said, " Oh that is
snail slim, you have just stepped in ".

The scene changed . . . I am again, viewing the severed body.

Then the upper thigh, a separate body part, started to jerk and
function like a life was in it. Then it stopped.

Other's now noticed that the original dark haired woman, was this
very severed dragon/serpent body parts.

The dream ended with the `pending` decision, of what to do
or how to dispose of these remains.

The feeling I woke up with was, gross and sickening.


() one aspect of the dream is related to the following :
The femur, or thigh bone, is the most proximal (closest to the body) bone of the leg in vertebrates capable of walking or jumping, such as most land mammals, birds, many reptiles such as lizards, and amphibians such as frogs.

EXCERPT from dream :
The scene changed . . . I am again, viewing the severed body.

Then the upper thigh, a separate body part, started to jerk and
function like a life was in it. Then it stopped.

Other's now noticed that the original dark haired woman, was this
very severed dragon/serpent body parts.


See the parallel ?

The femur/thigh bone . . . versus the word FEMA ?

Below is the youtube, to support what is happening in America :

Fema Camp Coffins Investigated


() secondary aspect of the dream is related to the following :

The dark haired woman, is a duality message dream.

The Biblical dragon is Marduk, see scriptures and research below.

And the dark haired woman 30-ish, is a parallel of Christ being
30-ish prior to His crucifixation/resurrection/acension.

The dragon/beast of Marduk is the dragon of ancient Babylon.

The anti-Christ will parallel all things of Christ.

The Dragon of Marduk is extremely important in the study of Biblical Archaeology.
"And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:" Genesis 3:14

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Revelation 20:2-3


Could the principal deity of ancient Babylon have been reminiscent of the serpent in the Bible?

This Striding Snake Dragon of Marduk at one time decorated the Ishtar Gate which began the procession to the great temple of Marduk for about half a mile. The dragon is decorated in molded glazed bricks, with its scaly body of a dragon, head of a snake, hind feet claws of a large bird of prey, front paws of a lion and the tail of a deadly scorpion. It is interesting that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was apparently standing upright before it became cursed in the fall. The Hebrew word for serpent is "nachash" and in Isaiah 27:1 the dragon is also referred to as the "nachash".



Subject: FEMA Region V parallel to Mid-Continent Rift System (flooding)
Date: 7/29/2009 10:38:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

[excerpt, from FEMA link below]
The region's most common challenges are floods, tornadoes, blizzards, and earthquakes. It also has the highest volume of shipped hazardous materials of all 10 FEMA regions, and is home to 16 of the nation's nuclear power plants which, reside in five of the six of Region V states.

Region V
Serving IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI

The conjecture about the 44th Parallel North, including

the FEMA Region V, which list Michigan, Minnesota,

Ohio(41st Parallel North) and Wisconsin, shows how the glacial

fault flooding potential, is an event pending. Pending what ?

Well if Region V, has the highest volume of shipped

hazardous materials of all 10 FEMA regions, and is

home to 16 of the nation's nuclear power plants, which

reside in five of the six of Region V `States`, how would a

nuclear event effect fault lines ?

Since Region V per FEMA, has the region's most common

challenges of floods, tornadoes, blizzards, and


Just some conjectures ?


The 44th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 44 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane.

Starting at the Prime Meridian and heading eastwards, the parallel 44° north passes through


Points on parallel 44° north

Pacific Ocean

United States :

South Dakota

Lake Michigan :

United States Michigan



During the years from 1993 through today's date, July 27, 2009, I have established a pattern of geography locations, related to dreams/visions/messages, that are part of the Mid-Continent Rift System, of the United States :

Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas


PIPESTONE Midcontinent Rift System



Circle of latitude

A circle of latitude, on the Earth, is an imaginary east-west circle connecting all locations (not taking into account elevation) that share a given latitude. A location's position along a circle of latitude is given by its longitude.

Circles of latitude are often called parallels because they are parallel to each other. On some map projections, including the Mercator projection, they are drawn at equidistant intervals.

Circles of latitude become smaller the farther they are from the equator and the closer they are to the poles. A circle of latitude is perpendicular to all meridians at the points of intersection, and is hence a special case of a loxodrome.

Contrary to what might be assumed from their straight-line representation on some map projections, a circle of latitude is not, with the sole exception of the Equator, the shortest distance between two points lying on the Earth. In other words, circles of latitude (except for the Equator) are not great circles, and are not really "lines" in the geometric sense (see also great-circle distance). It is for this reason that an airplane traveling between a European and North American city that share the same latitude will fly farther north, over Greenland for example.

~GREAT GLOBAL RIFT~ Oceans of World hold key

Rev. 16 Earthquake, ~GREAT GLOBAL RIFT~ Oceans of World hold key

Great Global Rift is discovered


This expedition was the first use of closely spaced echo sounders to map deep sea topography and the first to reveal the extent of the sea floor's rugged terrain. The expedition also found that a continuous mountain-like ridge runs through the Atlantic to the southwest of Africa. Unfortunately it was not realized at the time that this finding supported Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift.

Alfred Wegener
1880 - 1930

That ridge, it was later discovered, extended through the major oceans of the world. It is now called the Mid-Ocean Ridge. In 1953, American physicists Maurice Ewing (1906-1974) and Bruce Heezen (1924-1977) discovered that through this underwater mountain range ran a deep canyon. In some places the canyon, called the Great Global Rift, came very close to land. The rift appeared to be breaks in the earth's crust, but perfectly fitted breaks, like joints made by a carpenter. The rift outlined chunks of the earth's crust, which were named tectonic (from a Greek word for "carpenter") plates. Six large and several smaller plates make up the surface of the globe. Most of the world's earthquakes and volcanoes occur at the plates' edges. The large plate containing most of the Pacific Rim accounts for 80 percent of the earthquake energy of the planet.


